Parvizi J, Ghazavi M, Members of Pre-op Antibiotics Committee of the Consensus Meeting. Optimal Timing and Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Periprosthetic Joint Infection (PJI): Literature Review and World Consensus (Part Three). JROS 2015; 2 (3) URL:
1- Rothman Institute, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA 2- Scarborough Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 3- William Arnold MD PhD; Katherine Belden MD; Goran Bicanic; Stefano Bini MD; Fabio Catani MD; Jiying Chen MD PhD; Mohammad Ghazavi MD FRCSC; Karine M. Godefroy MD; Erik Hansen MD; Paul Holham MD; Hamid Hosseinzadeh MD; Kang II Kim MD; Klaus|Kirketerp-Moller MD; Lars Lidgren MD PhD; Jian Hao|Lin MD; Jess H Lonner MD; Christopher Moore MD; Panayiotis Papagelopoulos MD; Lazaros Poultsides MD MSc PhD; Khalid Saleh MD MSC FRCSC MHCM; Julia V Salmon MD; Edward Schwarz PhD; Randi Silibovsky MD (US); Jose Stuyck MD; Markus Vogt MD (International); Annette W Dahl MD; Koji Yamada MD
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